Atria Senior Living Engage Life Events & Activities

People Belong Together®

We're committed to helping residents reach their potential and connect with each other by enhancing health and well-being through programs that focus on building the mind, body and spirit.

Engage, explore and connect

We created our Engage Life® program because we know that an enriched, meaningful life can be lived at any age. Our trademark senior living events program offers daily opportunities for residents to express themselves creatively, learn new things, connect with nature, bond with others, have fun and stay fit.

Our Resident Discovery Survey allows the Engage Life Director to create a robust, customized calendar of events, so residents can continue to learn and grow in the ways best suited to their interests. If a resident has an idea for a new class or program, we collaborate with them in creating, developing and leading it.

Discover a new purpose at Atria

The Engage Life program’s six dimensions of engagement were created using scientific research to provide a variety of opportunities to learn, create, immerse, contribute, mentor and make meaningful connections.

Atria Senior Living residents practicing jiu jitsu

Health & Physical Fitness

A variety of instructor-led classes enhance and maintain balance, strength, flexibility, stress resiliency, cardiorespiratory, brain function and all aspects of health and well-being.

Group of people with a mixed age range talking and laughing while having a book club meeting.

Lifelong Learning & Intellectual Stimulation

Dynamic programs include lectures, science and technology classes, book clubs and other forums through partnerships with One Day University®, local professors, libraries, art centers and museums.
an instructor and a resident engaged in a senior living ceramics class

Creative Expression & the Arts

A combination of curated events and hands-on activities that promote or showcase the original creation of ideas, art and talent through music, dance, painting, sculpture, writing and mixed media.
Senior Living residents enjoying time together outside on the patio

Social Connection & Entertainment

As social engagement is crucial to well-being as we age, these events provide opportunities for joyful connection and the discovery of common interests while fostering fun and fellowship.
Senior adult teacher, mentor, or tutor assists Latin descent elementary age girl with homework in school classroom or library setting.

Civic & Professional Involvement

Through partnerships with local charities, organizations and schools, these public service events and mentorships provide opportunities to share wisdom and shape the greater community’s future.
senior woman in meditative prayer stance outdoors at sunrise

Religious & Spiritual Fellowship

Programs that support an awareness of the meaning of life through religious beliefs, the development and growth of inner peace, ideals and a reverence for our interconnectedness with all living beings.
Two senior women and Atria employee practicing yoga

Memory care engagement

A specially curated version of our Engage Life program has been created with the needs of memory care residents in mind. Music is regularly incorporated as it has been shown to improve mood, reduce stress and agitation, and promote focus and interest for people living with dementia.

At least two exercise opportunities are offered every day, such as walking, stretching and restorative yoga, dancing and working with weights. All of our memory care Engage Life programs are designed to make the present world more familiar and awaken memories of people, places and experiences from the past.

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Older man talking with a Atria employee

Personalized care

At Atria, we believe care should be an important, yet discreet, part of life - the part that empowers the world's wisest people to participate, grow and engage in what brings purpose and joy.

Atria offers care services from personal care for assisted living to specialized memory care services for those facing the challenges of Alzheimer's disease, dementia and other types of memory impairment.