Independent Senior Living Amenities and Services in Great Neck, NY

An elevated experience, every day

Explore the all-inclusive amenities and convenient services that make it easier to live a full life.

What Sets Atria Cutter Mill Apart

Resident garden icon

6,000-square-foot private outdoor courtyard with koi pond, gazebo, seating and beautiful landscaping

24-hour clock icon

Tenured, 24-hour staff – many with 20+ years’ service at the community

Movie camera icon

A variety of indoor spaces to connect with others, including multiple dining venues, an art studio, theater and fitness center

Atria Cutter Mill exterior entrance

Additional Amenities & Services

Atria Cutter Mill offers all-inclusive amenities and convenient services. Enjoy chef-prepared meals, local transportation, housekeeping service and daily opportunities for connection. Whether you’re catching up with neighbors over cocktails, visiting the salon or relaxing in the theater, you’re sure to find everything you need.



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Choose to dine well

Savor chef-prepared meals with friends in a variety of dining venues, including a restaurant, pub, café and private dining room. Dishes are prepared with local, seasonal ingredients and inspired by cuisines found around the world. In the mood to dine out? Call the receptionist to arrange transportation to your favorite local restaurant.

The culinary staff at Atria get to know residents on a personal level. They become familiar with their preferences and then craft their menus around those.

Three ladies having lunch together at their senior living community

Let's do lunch - or dinner

Join us for a chef-prepared meal and see why more and more older adults are choosing to call Atria home.

Image of Atria Senior Living residents playing a game together

Choose to live eventfully

Atria’s Engage Life® calendar includes daily events from live concerts to fitness classes. Neighbors walk, dance, create and laugh as they cultivate connection. Have an idea for a special class or event? We’re always excited to develop new programs based on resident interests.

Woman watering plants in garden at senior living community

Swing by for a visit

Attend an art class. Join us for hors d’oeuvres. Experience the community lifestyle and see why more and more older adults are calling Atria home.

Complete the form and we’ll be in touch soon to book your personal tour.

Schedule a tour

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